Pace of Play (Rule 5.6)
Each hole has been given a maximum completion time based upon the length and difficulty of the hole. The maximum time allotted for the completion of 18 holes will be available prior to play from the Championship Office. The Pace of Play Policy will be strictly enforced.
Penalty for Breach of Policy:
• One bad time: Verbal warning and told that if he/she has a further bad time he/she will be penalised
• Two bad times: One Stroke Penalty
• Three bad times: Additional Two Stroke Penalty
• Four bad times: Disqualification
Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7)
The following signals will be used to suspend and resume play:
• Immediate stop for imminent danger – one prolonged note of siren
• Stop for a non-dangerous situation – three consecutive notes of a siren
• Resumption of play – two consecutive notes of a siren
Note: When play is stopped for imminent danger, all practice areas will be immediately closed.
May the host country be identified by the FISU TCC as a weather risk, namely concerning lightning, the Organising Committee must guarantee the use of a weather monitoring service for the management of the Championship. The Organising Committee is allowed to request a maximum of 20€ per athlete to support that service and must communicate it at the latest one month before the event to all registered delegations.
Model Local Rule H-2 “Appointment of Advice Giver in Team Competitions” (Rule 24.4a) is not in effect.
Model Local Rule G-6 from the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf is in effect.
All players and their guests are expected to be courteous and polite at all times to everyone involved in the Championship, including other players, officials, media, caddies, spectators and anyone else they come into contact with during the week. Players are expected to conform to the standards of player conduct provided in Rule 1.2a of the Rules of Golf. Please note that Rule 1.2a allows the Committee to disqualify any player who commits serious misconduct.
Disqualification Penalties and Withdrawals
A penalty of disqualification for a breach of the Rules or the Terms for the team event applies only to the round where the breach occurred, unless the Championship Committee determines otherwise. Similarly, a player who withdraws for one round may return for a subsequent round, unless the Championship Committee determines otherwise.
Method for Deciding Ties
Team Event
In the event of a tie for any of the medal positions after four rounds in the Team events, the medal(s) will be decided as follows: (a) Firstly, by taking into account the non-counting score for the 4th round. (b) If still tied, the non-counting score for the 3rd round. (c) If still tied, the noncounting score for the 2nd round. (d) If still tied, the non-counting score for the 1st round. (e) If still tied – joint winners will be declared. If less than 4 rounds are completed, (a) above does not apply. If less than 3 rounds are completed, (a) and (b) above do not apply. In any of the above situations, a team returning a non-counting score will always achieve a better position than a team that does not return a non-counting score (e.g., due to disqualification, withdrawal due to illness or injury, or a team that only has two players).
Individual Event
In the event of a tie for any of the medal positions after four rounds in the Individual events, the medal(s) will be decided by a hole-by-hole play-off to take place immediately after completion of the final round. Any players tied for other positions will remain tied. The play-off will commence on a sequence of holes as approved by the FISU Technical Committee Chair and identified prior to the competition beginning. If two players are tied for the first position, a play-off will be conducted to determine the gold and silver medals. If three or more players are tied for the first position, a play-off will be conducted to determine the gold, silver and bronze medals. If two or more players are tied for the second position, a play-off will be conducted to determine the silver and bronze medals. If two or more players are tied for the third position, a play-off will be conducted for the bronze medal. In any case, only one gold, one silver and one bronze medal will be awarded. At the conclusion of each play-off hole, players will be grouped according to score on that hole if it is necessary to play another hole to determine a medal.
Returning of Score Cards
The player’s card is deemed officially returned when the player has left the recording area. Exception: In the Team event, in the foursomes and four-ball rounds, the team’s card is deemed officially returned when both players have left the recording area.
Close of Competition
Each event is deemed to have closed when the medals have been presented to the winning players/teams at the Closing Ceremony.